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Understanding Business And Management Research Methods

Understanding Business And Management Research Methods

Task - Part 1 - Critical evaluation of selected published academic research article

Summarization of the research article

The article that has chosen for the critical evaluation is “Eating behaviour and obesity” that is written by Wardle, J. (2007, pp. 73-75). The selected article is published in the journal “obesity reviews”. This journal is of high quality that publishes the UK based research studies that are of high quality and that are of great authenticated. In this selected research article, the author has made the in depth analysis of the eating behaviour of people in the United Kingdom and has analysed the impact of eating behaviours upon the health and obesity of the people.

According to the author, the behaviours of the people are greatly influenced by internal as well as by the external factors that are present in the environment. The author has elaborated this concept by explaining that the emotional state of the individual, the availability of the food, the time factor, the cultures and traditions has great impact upon the food intake of the individual. The knowledge factor and the attitude of individual also have great impact upon the food eating habits. If the individual has awareness that certain foods are not good for his or her health, than that individual will definitely try to avoid such foods. In the article the author has explained an experiment that was conducted to understand that how the food environment has impact upon the energy intake, i.e. food intake. The results of the experiment had shown that if there is one kind of food than there are fewer intakes of calories. However, if there is wide variety of food available to the individual, than the intake of calories are more. The reason behind this factor is that when the individuals have variety of food, they take more food in order to taste each food and this further result in the in calories intake and then in the risks of obesity disease.

The author has also discussed that the availability of food stimulates the feel of hunger because the smell of food attracts the individual to take food. The consequences are also associated with that of the food likeness and dis-likeness. According to the author, the food preferences of the individuals tend to change according to consequences that they face. The individuals, particularly the children, dislike such foods that they have eaten just before they got ill. The reason of this factor is that the individuals and the children associate the negative consequences with that of the food and thus relate that food with the reason of their illness. Whereas, the food that has been taken in the favourable consequences, is liked more and eaten more because the positive thoughts are associated with that type of food. It has also mentioned in this article that when there is scarcity of food and the people are given plenty of food to eat, the people eat more food ...
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