Reproducing Body

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Critically Discuss The Optimal Conditions Required To Achieve A Healthy Reproducing Body

Critically Discuss The Optimal Conditions Required To Achieve A Healthy Reproducing Body


Reproduction is an important process for the survival of a species as without it any specie would be scarce. It is a complicated and intricate process involving many organs, hormones, neurotransmitters and biological cycles. As science and research is increasing so as the diseases are, problems like infertility and anovulation have caused the natural procedure of conception so difficult. Now a day in humans, reproduction is not easy, as a person needs a perfect and healthy reproducing body. Problems like stress, under nutrition, obesity, genetic issues and hormonal imbalances lead to infertility. Counselling before starting a family has been an important task done by doctors whom lead to a perfect pregnancy and healthy birth. Mapping of genetic diseases present in the family history (for instance thalassemia or any other cancer types) and improving the quality of life is the responsibility of the family doctor. Proper counselling would be easy through frequent visits and meetings of the couple desiring to expand their family (, 2013).


Anatomy and Physiology

As like all of the mammals the human reproductive system for a male and female is different in both aspects (i.e. anatomically and physiologically).

Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system is designed in such a way to carry out various functions including production of the female egg cells which are important for the process of reproduction called “ Ova “ or “ Oocytes”. As the oocytes travel to the site of fertilization where conception occurs after the fertilization of the sperm and ova, then implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in walls of the uterus thus eventually initial stages of pregnancy occurs. In case the fertilization does not occur due to any reason the system menstruate (i.e. monthly shedding of the uterine lining)

The female reproductive system consists of the following main parts:

Pair of Ovaries

These are pair of small glands present in the lower abdominal cavity and are of shape of almonds. They produce female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and female egg cells called Ova.

Fallopian tube

These are a pair of muscular tubes that join the ovaries to the uterus; the fallopian tubes are responsible to carry the mature ovum released from the ovary to the uterus for fertilization with the sperm. One end of the fallopian tube is shaped as a funnel like structure called infundibulum. The infundibulum have soft finger like projections known as fimbriae, the soft fimbriae help the released mature ovum to travel in through the fallopian tube to uterus from the ovaries.


The most important organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus; it is muscular, hollow, pea shaped organ which is connected by the fallopian tubes and vagina (via cervix). It is also referred as the womb as it supports and protects the developing foetus. The inner lining of the uterus is known as endometrium. After the full development of the foetus the visceral muscles in the uterus ...
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