Representation Of The Seaside

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Representation of the Seaside

Representation of the Seaside


This paper intends to discuss the representations of the seaside, individual and the cultural differences that mostly dissolve into the experience of the crowd. This module has been established to provide an overview about how the people are impacted with their leisure activities. The basic essence of this paper is to explore the fact that within crowd; people tend to forget their cultural identities. The underlying activities of the crowd tend to forego the various individual and cultural differences prevailing within the society. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the different aspects that crowd seems to impose over the individual and cultural differences prevailing within the society. Also, the paper would investigate the title statement which is 'In representations of the seaside, individual and cultural differences mostly dissolve into the experience of the crowd.' Different sections from the chapter four of the book will be explored in order to provide a brief idea about how seaside can work for reducing the individual and cultural differences prevailing within the society. The underlying sections selected for the purpose of discussion are the Victorian seaside music, painting the seaside and dressing for the beach. All these sections would provide an idea about how these things either reduces or exaggerates the prevailing individual and cultural differences in the society.


The paper intends to investigate the title statement of 'In representations of the seaside, individual and cultural differences mostly dissolve into the experience of the crowd.' Therefore I would assess different examples from Chapter four of the book in order to provide my opinion regarding the statement. Usually, generalizations are made in order to interrogate such statements. However, I would provide my opinion that whether the statement is correct or does it needs any kind of modification, after a clear analysis of the chapter four and other external references. The Victorian seaside music, painting the seaside and dressing for the beach are important sections in my opinion which must be discussed for the purpose of either negating the title statement or supporting it.

Different examples from more than one section of chapter four will be utilized in order to make the conclusion stronger enough. The paper talked about the paintings of the seaside; the popular songs, the habits of dress and travelling in the posters. Also, the photographs used in the chapter provide essential and important relevance to explain the topic. While discussing the topic; it remains extremely important to analyze that the question is not related to how people spend their time at the seaside (Becker, 1979 Pp. 3-4). The basic statement suggests the exploration of how the experiences of the people are represented which make them look similar despite of individual and cultural differences.

I have selected the few representations highlighted above so to reveal the correct picture related to the statement. The title statement basically tends to reveal the impact that the collectiveness make over people to reduce ...