Report On Religious Field Research

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Report on Religious Field Research

Report on Religious Field Research


Religion has a very important role in the life of every individual; it defines beliefs, social and cultural values, and life of an individual. Religion guides and moulds the perception of people and this is the reason that religion is considered to be very controversial matter. It has always been a reason for the various wars and discriminations. The main reason is lack of understanding and knowledge about the religious values and believes about other religions (Evans, 1983). Religion is always for goodness, but different practices of people change the view of a particular religion to the world. Therefore, it is not correct to say good or bad about any religion, without proper knowledge about it. This is the reason that I chose a religion that is more controversial and I do not have information about it.

Islam is one of the most well recognized religions all over the world, but there are various negative perceptions and misconceptions associated with this religion. Muslims all over the world are being associated with the terrorist activities and this reflects a negative image, but Islam is known as the religion of “peace”. This creates a controversial factor with the very basic meaning and understanding of this religion. There have always been a number of different questions about this religion in my mind, therefore, I attended a religious ceremony and visited their “Imam”, the “religious guide” of Muslims (Hammer, 2012, p.133). He provided me answers to all the questions I asked him about various misconceptions. I also studied different other sources in order to support my field research.


Misconceptions about Islam

One most common misconception about Islam is that it is the religions that promote terrorism in the name of “jihad”, and it is spread all over the world by sword. Islam is known as the fundamentalist religion (Jonsson, 2006). Muslims are also considered as barbaric and cruel due to the capital punishments especially stoning and other such harsh and cruel punishments. This is a wrong perception about Islam, Islam is not the only religion that allows capital punishment, but there are also capital punishment in Christianity, Judaism and different other religions. Stoning also practice in Jewish religion, so it is not correct to associate negative image with Islam only. Islam is a religion of “peace”, even during the times of war; there are instructions that women, children, disabled and elderly people must not be harmed. Islam never forces people to accept this religion by sword, but like most of the other religions and countries after conquest, the religion and practices of Muslims made others accept Islam. It is media that spread image of Islam as a religion that promotes terrorism, it is not Islam, but a group of people involved in terrorist activities that resulted in the negative image about Islam (Jonsson, 2006).

Another misconception about Islam is that this religion suppressed women and there are no rights for them. Women are confined to their homes, ...
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