Report Based On International Meeting

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Report Based on International Meeting

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Report Based on International Meeting


An international meeting was held in Rome in which different members participated. There were different factors which influenced and contributed in the failure of the international meeting. The Moral Group organized this meeting in Rome, as it is expanding globally. Today, many groups are developing and expanding internationally to achieve their goals and gain global existence. There are factors which are required to be considered before planning to expand internationally. There are several differences including culture, language, values and communication which can create barriers for successful expansion. Difference in languages can create communication barriers, which is the most influential factor which might result in the failure of organizations and groups expanding internationally. Cultural changes vary from society to society and country to country. Cultural differences might also lead to failure of international businesses. This report will focus on the cultural differences which might result in creating barriers in international expansion of businesses (Berraine, 1999).

Overview of the Current Situation

This case study is based on the international meeting held in Rome by Gavin Hale, which turned out to be a failure. The failure was a result of cultural differences as well as a result of the negative attitude of Gavin Hale. Gavin was facing cultural shocks as he was did not possess the required knowledge and information related to the people belonging to different countries. The case shows that each member in the meeting was not able to accept others. Each manager was trying to show that they are superior over others, by exposing their personal qualities.

The meeting was a failure because it lacked the team effort, as every member was behaving as an individual and trying to give importance to them self only. Every manager including ...
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