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Case Study Report

Case Study Report


It is the report about the dispute among farmer and neighbors. It is about the hedge running around bridle way track boundary. Hedge is usually the grass and passage way used to separate two fields in villages. It is the case about farm dispute. Farmer and neighbor tried clear that dispute from negotiations but negotiations got failed and the case proceeded to court. It is necessary for the client to pay the fees of lawyer according to the demand of lawyer and case complications. The farmer and neighbor pay a handsome amount to lawyers for this case. The proceedings of case results in waste of time and both clients got the solution because of negotiation.


Question 1

Negotiation or mediation is the technique to avoid disputes among people. It is necessary for the people to negotiate before filing the case in courts. Mediation is a dialogue among the people used to resolve the issues. Most of the organizations do not take the decision before discussion with the employees. It is necessary for the people of society to discuss their issues among them before proceeds to courts because it is a waste of time and people waste a lot of money on cases. The cases about the property or a portion of land take a lot of time of client which can be result in negative and most of the lawyer's advice their clients to solve the issue from mediation. It is necessary for the society also because it increases the communication among the people.

The people of society or a colony live together in areas which are attached with each other. Hedge is used to differentiate the boundaries. Most of the people file their cases in court before negotiation. The dispute can be avoided among the farmer and neighbor and they can solve this issue out of the court. Courts also use the technique of negation and take the point of view of both parties in front of judge. After getting the views, court takes the decision of the case. This procedure of court is costly for both parties so, it is better for both parties to solve the issue from mediation. In this case, both farmer and his neighbor can use the technique of negotiation to avoid heavy charges of court.

Question 2

In villages and remote areas people used to live their livelihood from cultivation. Fields are the peace of land on which farmers used for cultivation. The issues of boundaries of fields are common in villages. The conflicts among people of the society increase because the absence of person which define the boundaries and maintain the record of boundaries assigned to the people. In villages normally boundaries are defined by the people themselves and do not violet the boundaries of other people. People usually take the services of registrar of village in order to redefine field boundaries.

Mostly the disputes among the people in remote areas are solved by the people ...
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