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Report Writing

Report Writing


In the last few decades the respiratory problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary, asthma and emphysema have prevailed with a significant rate. Different ways of therapy are introduced to treat these pulmonary conditions. Nebulizer is one of them (Medical buyer 2010) and A nebulizer is a machine which consists of a compressor and it contains the medicine for asthma and converts it into vapors of aerosol. The medicine which is now available in the form of vapors is inhaled into the lungs. The factor that creates an impact on lungs and supports the proper of deposition of the aerosol into the lungs is the diameter of the aerosol particles. The diameter of the aerosol particles is approximately between 1 to 5 microns (jaggi, O et al)

The nebulization is an effective process in providing the surface medicine that can travel across the nasal region as compared to the liquid spray pumps (Kundoor V. et al 2010). The designing of nebulizers is conducted in such a way that they can accelerate the small and slow constituents of the medicine so that they can cross the nasal cavity at an equilibrium breathing rate. This designing further helps in reducing the inertial condition that can be created in the nasal cavity (Suman, JD. et al 1999). The nebulizer system consists of a nebulizer which is actually a bowl that is made of plastic and has a cover lid that consists of a screw. It is also consists of a source that can provide the compressed air and the mask is sometimes attached to the nebulizer. The mask helps in the proper inhalation of the medicine so that it can reach to the smaller alveoli of lungs furthermore it helps in increasing the effectiveness of the medicine (NJH 2013).


The asthma attacks can efficiently be controlled by the beta 2 adrenergic agonist drugs and via the inhalation pathway. It is further needed to select an appropriate device that can help in creating the proper effect of the drug. This selection of the appropriate device depends on the age of patient, financial factors, and the capability of the patient and the providers to use them. There are several types of nebulizers which are as follows (Herberto, J. et al 2005).


A nebulizer can also be assembled in the home by using a sealed bottle so that it can provide pressure. A plug is created in the bottle by making a hole in the seal of the bottle. A ball inflating needle is also joined along with a bicycle pump and some amount of liquid is also poured in the bottle. The liquid can be alcohol or any other volatile liquid. The bicycle pump and the cork assist in creating the pressure in the bottle. After the production of pressure, cork is removed and the change in air pressure takes place which results in the vaporization of the liquid (Finley, W. 2001). The use of other less volatile liquids like water and others can also ...
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