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Housing services are the most important services that need to be provided to the people living in any community and residential area. The people of the society or community require proper education, health and wellness and other basic facilities to make their day to day living. I have been appointed as a housing management consultant at Rivermead housing. I will adhere to improving and providing a service that is accommodating to all tenants of Rivermead Housing Association with the help and assistance of the management team and tenants of Rivermead. This report will be addressing the overall services that are in need of improvements and affectively including ideas from tenants with high levels of customer care in mind at all times.

Rivermead Housing Association

The Riversmead was established in the year 1995 and is a member of Network Housing Group. The main aim of Riversmead is to oversee the management of houses that are provided to the people in the Herts Council and take care of the needs and requirements (Riversmead Housing Association, 2013). Riversmead assumed the ownership of 1,600 garages and 3,237 homes in March 2002 and does a registered social landlord possess a charitable status. During April 2010, Riversmead claimed the ownership and management of almost 600 homes from Group member Stadium Housing Association (Riversmead Housing Association, 2013). Now, Rivermead Housing Association manages and owns more than 4,300 homes all over the across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Buckinghamshire. It will increase its ownership of homes by 500 during the period of next 5 years through continual planned development and growth (Riversmead Housing Association, 2013).

Riversmead works with a vision to provide the neighborhoods and homes of good quality which is able to fulfill the aspirations of the communities in all the areas of its functioning. The association tends to provide the services of higher quality that all its customers equally value (Riversmead Housing Association, 2013). It also created such a culture that fosters the employee potential amends thus works to be excellent and known as a pioneering organization. Riversmead Housing Association provides efficient, responsive, better valued and competitive services for the money (Riversmead Housing Association, 2013). The people are treated with respect and dignity and the organization acts in a responsible and open manner to maintain its integrity.

Landlord Best Practices: Improving Housing Services

The residents living in the community are facing many problems at the moment. There exists a persistently low level of overall consumer satisfaction with the services provided by Riversmead Housing Association, and these tensions are especially spread over the majority of Black and Minority Ethnic communities.· The income collection levels form the community are lower than ever and the rates of consumer complaints have increased. Most of the complaints are made with reference to the standards and quality of housing repairs. The representatives of tenant are of the opinion that the tenants avoid going out at night since they are scared because the kids are outside all the time and hanging around (Luntz, Barbra; Cathy Spatz Widom, ...
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