Repetition And Simultaneous Interpreting Of Political Discourse Or Speech

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Repetition and simultaneous interpreting of political discourse or speech



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Everybody expected this Islamic wide circulation, that is, appeals to the Islamic world. It is known that the Arabs - is not the majority, not a majority in the Islamic world. Of course, I think many people with great interest listened to Obama's appeal on the issue of settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. With interest this was taken because of the holistic performances of the American president on these issues and a frank statement, perhaps, have not heard of.

Consecutive interpretation occurs in portions: the speaker utters a phrase or part of the sentence; pauses and waits for the translator will translate the above, and then gives the following phrase, etc. This type of interpretation is suitable for business meetings; technical editing, exploring the city - in short, for those situations when time is not much communication is limited and the parties exchanged remarks.

Repetition In Simultaneous Interpreting Of Political Speech: Obama's Speech in Cairo

Problem Statement

The interpreter should not look at a written version of the speech, if she gives him, as it may interfere with your concentration. Should be left to one side and immediately focus on the verbal message, because the process of listening and interpreting incoming messages in a short-term memory faster than reading (Curry, 2005). Also, some good speakers, as a rule, improvisation and adaptation have to deliver their statements because of new information received from the previous speakers, or new ideas that occur to him spontaneously.

The measures resorted to by Obama, maybe a bit more typical for the administration of the Democratic Party, is the widespread use of public diplomacy, is now fashionable to call it a more soft power (soft power).

Significance of the Research

Comparative analysis of the original texts and English texts of the purpose of the Parliament plenary session focuses on lexical repetition of key terms and hegemonic conceptual lines of metaphor (Mendell, 2007). The data obtained show that institutional hegemony intensified interpreters, primarily through extensive use of conceptual metaphor in the lines of interpretation. Furthermore, in contrast to the channel form of communications, this study demonstrates the mediation of translators and agencies, and shows that the simultaneous interpreter additional subjective actor heteroglot communication.

"The United States does not pretend to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not claim to determine the outcome of peaceful elections." "But Obama have a firm belief that all people desire certain things: the ability to speak freely and be eligible to vote in the election of a form ...
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