Removing God From Our Schools And Government

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Removing God From Our Schools And Government

Removing God From Our Schools And Government

Today, America asks the ominous of all human controversy. Should we remove God's image in the most foundations and political representations of the US. That defines removing “In God We Trust” in the US dollar bills, changing B.C. to B.C.E, removing Bibles from court pledges, and etcetera. I believe we the people do not have the soul right to remove God's image in the US politically. This country we call home was discovered, founded, and established on the very name and belief in God. The Americas was discovered by the drive to spread God's word. When Christopher Columbus found the “New World,” his mission was not only to find land, but also to convert natives to Christians. If the church has not suggested finding new areas in the Americas to colonize and spread God's word, I believe the US land will not be as big as it is today. Even our cultural basis was founded through the belief in God. The language we now use, English, was established by Christian believers thousands of years ago. It is modern dominantly Latin, French, Italian, Greek, and British English; all well known Christians. Our calendars and written language were borrowed from Christian beliefs. English names for planets, US holidays, and foods were also derived from Christian beliefs (Moltmann, 2010).

Would you have started pray and try to escape or would you have an alternative plan. God should be an important part of our life and when we fail to follow him then we will fail to find the eternity that only Jesus Christ offers. After a long debate and discussions, The U.S. department of education set of federal guidelines at 2003 requiring school districts to allow students ...
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