Remote Viewing And Psychokinesis

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Remote Viewing and Psychokinesis

Remote Viewing and Psychokinesis

Thesis statement

This paper reviews the most common protocols for remote viewing — including Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV), Associative Remote Viewing (ARV), and Extended Remote Viewing (ERV). This remains a controversial field of study. While over 30 years of data has been gathered with statistically significant results frequently occurring under laboratory conditions, skeptics are not convinced that RV is a useful pursuit. In addition to this, some of the output from RV can be vague and subject to personal interpretation. A number of factors have been shown to improve the success rate for remote viewing, including the use of experienced subjects, individual testing, feedback of results, and a short time-interval between the percipient response and the targeted future event.

Chapter I


Remote viewing is set of related protocols that allow a viewer to intuitively gather information regarding a specific target that is hidden from physical view and separated from the viewer by either time or distance. Research suggests that the same processes used to gather spatially non-local information can also be used to gather information that is temporally removed from the observer. (David Marks, 2000)

Finally, there also appears to be a relationship between the effectiveness of remote viewing efforts and sidereal time, which may be interpreted as evidence that some aspects of RV are subject to the same physical laws as are other phenomena studied by science. Another application of remote viewing is to perceive peoples thought , feeling and intention. This technique is also used to induce ideas and thought in a specific person mind such as healing thoughts this technique is called remote influencing. Remote viewing is fundamentally no different of what is called clairvoyance , while clairvoyance is empiric and natural by nature , remote viewing follow a strict protocol originally developed at the Stanford Research Institute by Dr. Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann. There are many methodologies of remote viewing such as CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) , ERV ( Extended Remote View) and some techniques shared by all protocol such as ARV (Associative Remote View) and deep mind probe.

Chapter II

Literature review

The evolution of remote viewing

One of the most promising developments in psi research over the past few decades has been in the area of “remote viewing ”. This process was originally pioneered in the early 1970's by Russell Targ and Harold (Hal) Puthoff at Electronics and Bioengineering laboratory at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Remote viewing is described as a perceptual ability by which individuals are able to describe and experience objects, pictures, and locations which are blocked from ordinary sensory perception. (David Marks, 2000)

The foundational process that they developed became known as “Outbounder Remote Viewing”. They initially required the use of several participants, each with their own unique roles. This is a person who selects the target pool. Care is taken so as to prevent leakage of information regarding these targets to the remote viewer, the judges involved in analyzing or evaluating the remote ...
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