Religious Motivations For Terrorism

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Religious Motivations for Terrorism


This research paper explains the extent to which Terrorism is affected by Religious motivations. We have referred to the past studies done by various philosophers regarding this topic. The research explains the relationship between Terrorism and Religious factors that attract individuals to sacrifice their lives and work for terrorist organizations. We have discussed the theme with the help of supporting examples of Muslim Communizes involved in Terrorism. Depending on this research paper, we can conclude that religion plays a strong role in boasting terrorism. All the reputed authorities should take significant actions against it and try to maintain peace by not pointing fingers on innocents; as such an act would lead to further misconceptions.

Table of Content





Historical Results5

The Need of Motivation5

Religion as a Motivation6

Example of Al-Qaeda Terrorism7

Turkey's Experience of Religious Conflict8

The Generalized Concept against Islam9



Religious Motivations for Terrorism


The topic explains the role of mainly religious motivation behind Terrorism. The key factors that play a vital role in boasting terrorism among people that have extremist approach regarding religion. Example of Turkey and Al-Qaida has been quoted to explain the relationship between Religion and terrorist acts. The paper also includes few recommendations depending on the past experiences in this regard. All the information discussed in the paper is based on the Research Journals, online resources and personal observations.


The concept of terrorism is related to the act of crime, a plan and considered as a religious obligation for most of the extremists. It completely depends on one's the point of view. Modern definition of terrorism includes a wide range of concepts such as; Terrorism also includes forceful action of authorities and government against people, and even wars. Terrorists think of themselves as a person who has to work for his cause / belief by whatever means possible (, n.d.).

Most commonly religion is considered as the sole cause of Terrorism, but one should also consider the role of culture in this regard as well. Because, culture and religion both are the key factors in nourishing a person's thinking and way of living life. Culture also impacts the religious thoughts and viewpoints of the people who brought up in this environment.


Historical Results

Previously a lot of researches have been done on this topic; such as research done by Pape in 2005 concluded that majority of fights done by extremist groups are either for patriotism or spiritual motives. However, both of these motives are considered separately in literature. In any case, motivation for terrorism arises from the association with a particular group that shares identical objectives. It may cause individuals to think and live a life as per the teachings of the influential group. It is the peer pressure that influences the individual to adapt to the new direction of life as instructed by the group and results in suicide bomb attacks (Bloom, 2005). These groups offer a way to achieve the status in the world and group, and brains wash them. According to a research, Men participate more as compare to women in these ...
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