Religious Health Care

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Religious Health Care

Religious Health Care


The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the Religious Health care and identify the problems in Religious Health Care. The paper conducts an analysis on the five most important elements of the governing board's agenda for areas of improvements in core functions. The paper is also identifies the key performance dimensions which could be used by Religious Health Care for improving the overall institutional performance. In a nut shell, the paper is mainly a description of various solutions which could be helpful in eliminating the errors of Religion Health care and the issues faced by the health care institute.

Five (5) important elements of the governing board's agenda for areas of improvement in core functions

Given below are the five important elements which should be kept into consideration by the governing board's agenda for different areas through which the improvement could have been brought into the core functions:

It is necessary to assure that there is a proper planning of the nursing services and these nursing services are implemented and evaluated in a proper manner. This could be a very supportive way to enhance the quality of resident's life and increase quality care.

It is also necessary to assure that there is a proper planning of the social service program and they are also evaluated and implemented in a proper manner. This could also be helpful in meeting the social and psychological needs and choices of residents which could be helpful in improving their quality care (Abernethy 2001).

It is also necessary to assure that there is a proper planning of the food service and they are evaluated and implemented in an effective manner so that the nutritional needs of the residents could be fulfilled by bringing enhancement in their quality of life and care.

It is also essential that the proper planning of therapeutic recreation program is assured. The assurance is also necessary in the evaluation and implementation of the program so that the interests of the residents are properly and effectively met.

Last but not the least, it is also necessary to assure that there is a proper planning of the pharmaceutical program and these programs are properly evaluated and implemented. This is helpful in properly supporting the medical care and thus bringing an enhancement in the quality of care (Aidemark 2004).

Three (3) key performance dimensions and include specific measures that Religious Health Care could use to improve overall institutional performance

The measurement of performance is the key factor to be considered for the success of any organization. Just like the other organizations it is also a key factor for Religious Health Care. There are some key performance dimensions which could be used by Religious Health Care for bringing enhancement in the institutional performance.

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