Religions And Science In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries

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Religions and Science in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

The nature of interaction between science and religion occurred at various times in history. Christian discipline studies the interaction between science and religion as the basis of theology and Christian apologetics. The subject of basic theology restores a complete truth as the main task of theology. There were great periods in the history of mankind, were the most different cultures and civilizations that did not know the science, which have not created the scientific world picture. By itself, the scientific picture of the world there is very late and has a very distinct, temporal binding. The scientific world view is born in the XVI-XVII centuries in Western Europe (Berkof, 14-23). This is, in fact, the first scientific revolution. Science is where people are able to clearly demonstrate the methods by which he obtained certain information. Only in this case a certain hypothesis is no longer just a hypothesis and is perceived by the world community of scientists. One of the primary problems in the history of science includes the problem of periodization are usually divided into the following periods of scientific development:

Prednauka - the birth of science in the ancient civilizations of the East: astrology, geometry, letters, and numerology (Buswell, 90-100).

The ancient science - the formation of the first scientific theory (atomism), and preparation of the first scientific treatise in the Aristotle, as well as the appearance of the first communities in the Academy.

Medieval Magic science - the formation of experimental science as an example of alchemy Jabir.

Scientific Revolution and the classical science - the formation of science in the modern sense in the writings of Galileo, Newton, and Linnaeus.

The neo-classical science - the science of the classical period of the crisis of rationality: Theory of Evolution Darwin , the theory of relativity, Einstein , the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg , the hypothesis of the Big Bang , catastrophe theory , Rene Thom, the fractal geometry of Mandelbrot (Erickson, 16-33).

Perhaps another division into period includes:

Pre-classical (early antiquity , the search for absolute truth, observation and reflection, the method of analogy),

Classic ( XVI - XVII centuries, there is the planning of experiments, introduced the principle of determinism , increases the importance of science),

Non-classical (late XIX in the appearance of powerful scientific theories such as relativity theory , the search for relative truth, it becomes clear that the principle of determinism is not always applicable, but the experimenter has an impact on the search for the experiment) (Rolston, 98-120), and

Post-nonclassical (the end of XX century when there is synergy, expanding substantive field of knowledge, science goes beyond its limits and penetrates into other areas, searching for the purposes of science.

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