Religion, Race, Ethnicity

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How does religion, Race and Ethnicity affect one's identity?

How does religion, Race and Ethnicity affect one's identity?


A human being is a social animal; a person is classified under various groups before his individual identity is revealed. A human being is first classified as a human differing from other living species. Then an individual is divided into various categories based on gender, geographical location, race, color, family and profession. An individual's identity is governed by various social characteristics out of which religion, race and ethnicity are the three major divisions.

An individual's personality is governed by various factors largely dependent upon the area from which he or she belongs as it defines the language he speaks. An individual when socially judged on the first impression his race or color plays an immense part in his identification, for e.g. a Black American is classified Black because of his color or race.

Religion plays an important role in identifying a person's individual personality as he learns from the communities in which he socializes and religion plays an important role in making personality. Amongst the other personality traits race plays an important role as a person attracts towards those of similar race for making friends and socializing.


Affect of Religion in one's Identity

Religion is the prime classification apart from gender to divide people in groups of Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Buddhists. Religion plays an important role in developing an individual's identity as the religious halls are the basic stones from where a person learns about his identity. His activities and circles of limits are largely dependent upon the religion of which he or she belongs.

A Christian will have some different characteristic attributes than a Muslim because the kinds of upbringing he will have from his religious institutions are totally different ...
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