Religion And Society

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Religion's Impact on Society

Religion's Impact on Society


The article “Viruses of the Mind”, authored by Richard Dawkins, was published in the year 1991. The article creates an association between the biological and computer virus, maladies, and epidemiology, in an attempt to elucidate the conducting of practices and beliefs associated with the religion.

“Viruses of the Mind,” by Richard Dawkins, reads like an experience in virus control, but also seems to be full of hidden revelations of a very bad experience in Catholic school for. Wherever he went to school, those instructors and staff needed to be fired for making this man so anti-religion, now that he is an adult. I also think that his first love just might be computers. Richard Dawkins' and his constant referral to children's minds as programs quickly got annoying. He also stressed his ideas on viruses (Warburton, 2004). Unfortunately, his ideas seemed to bounce all over the place in his article.


Viruses of the Mind, compares the spreading of computer viruses to the spread of religion. The entire body of the article describes how computer viruses spread similar to the way that viruses that infect the body are spread. Viruses spread whatever information they are programmed to disseminate. I did not know much about computer viruses before this reading so I was surprised to learn that they will not infect a computer in which the same virus has already infected because it will become easier to detect. It is also fascinating to learn that the shell left behind the virus acts as a vaccination, and offers the computer some protection against future invasion.

One thing that holds true with many children are the times that someone treated them really good and the times someone treated them really bad. All the rest is blurred at best. Children are like ...
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