Religion Analysis

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Religion Analysis

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Gospel of Jesus Christ3


End Notes5

Religion Analysis


Buddhism spread worldwide for over 2,500 years through trade, royal patronage, migration, scholarly study, and travel. Currently, about 350 million people of the world, which accounts for 6 percent of the entire population, identify themselves as Buddhist, with Mahayana the largest tradition. Besides Mahayana Buddhism, the other primary schools are Theravada and Vajrayana. However, Vajrayana also regarded as a form of Mahayana Buddhism and is said to provide a faster path to Buddhism or enlightenment. In addition, there are organizations or individuals who identify themselves as nonsectarian Buddhists (Mitchell, Pp. 57-64).Buddhism is way of life when an individual devotes himself to the welfare and general good of the people. Buddhism is profoundly inspired by spirituality and eternal happiness.

The religion is based on the concept that happiness derives from the purification of mind and soul. When people change their perception about a sure thing or matter, and develops a positive approach towards life, they will be rewarded with happiness. Those involved in negativity, like jealousy, greed and ill-will for others will always be unhappy. Buddhism define the nature of things, that when an individual assesses the true nature of things, the actual realization of “what is what?” Once they have seen things as they are, they no longer need anyone to teach and guide them.

The ultimate sense, that helps to understand the actual reason of existence, shapes a personality towards spirituality. Material welfare and fortune should be utilized in the welfare of people and common good. When a person achieves this level of selflessness he realizes his reason of existence. Buddhism says that, one cannot change the world, but his actions and conducts, and when each and every person brings a positive change in his thoughts and conduct, the entire world can be changed. There are numerous factors which the Buddhism addresses thus we tend to focus on the teachings of the nirvana and the gospel of the Jesus Christ to be addressed in order to analyze and develop a better understanding of the subject.



Since Buddhism tends to cater to and address a lot of issues affecting the daily lives of the believers of Buddhism. Thus, in the context of this paper we intend to analyze only the concept of Nirvana as deciphered in the religion of Buddhism. Since it becomes almost impossible to analyze every aspect related to the Buddhism thus ...
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