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Christianity from Islamic perspective

Christianity from Islamic perspective


What are the differences between Islam and Christianity? Christians and Muslims believe in the same thing about when they worship the Creator and Judge of the world? Many Christians have a hard time when it comes to Islam. What do Muslims believe anyway? Christians must face the daunting challenge of Islam. Even on the most frequently asked question is whether Muslims and Christians share substantially similar beliefs, give media and Islam expert different answers. Once the differences are emphasized, once the similarities. Islam and Christianity are known as the "Abrahamic" religions, so as religions that appeal to Abraham as a forefather. The Qur'an also tells of the first man in paradise, with Moses and the people of Israel and the crossing of the sea. He also mentions Jesus, Mary and John. But: What sounds the same means, not automatically the same thing (Ayoub, 1984, pp. 49-70).

Where are the points of contact between Islam and Christianity? When Muhammad Islam from about 610 AD, preached on the Arabian Peninsula in Mecca, he relied on divine visions and inspirations and described himself as a prophet sent by God. These messages motivated him, his Arab compatriots who supported one animistic belief in many gods, to cry repentance to the one God. Muhammad came around him with Jewish and Christian groups in contact and heard some of the Judeo-Christian of faith. Of this he took some elements in the Quran (Schirrmacher, n.d.). Muslims tell of course different. For them, the Quran is from beginning to end God's revealed word.

For a true comparison, it is important key messages of Islam and Christianity juxtapose. Differences become apparent when it comes to basic questions - the question of how a man can be saved, for example. Superficially, the Quran does indeed many similar-sounding statements like the Bible, for example, about the creation or the last judgment, heaven and hell, the existence of angels and devils, or the prophets. But if these statements are illuminated content closer, serious substantive differences come to light. In this paper, Christianity will be studied from the Islamic perspective.


Jesus in Islam

Jesus is the central character of one of the largest religion of the world, Christianity, and also has a major place in Islam which is said to be the second largest religion. Though, Jesus is sacred for both Islam and Christianity and they share many common views regarding Jesus Christ but there are certain significant differences between the role he played, his status and mission.

Firstly, it is important to give a brief over view of Christian about the Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary and was conceived by the Holy Spirit. They believe that he was “fully man and fully God”. They also believe that although he lived as a man, he never sinned and proved his innocence with his resurrection and death. The central belief of Christian is that the resurrection of Jesus ...
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