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The paper is going to be research on what is relaxation and how it can be achieved.

In medicine and psychology, it is understood that the relaxation is a state of inner peace, pleasure and the absence of the minimum stress, fear and anxiety. State of relaxation can be created at will, and a special concentration and this can be learned in the process of meditating and meditation. State of relaxation is very beneficial effect on human health and can be an effective way of treatment of various diseases. (Lehrer, 2007)


Relaxation involves two concepts: muscle relaxation and psychological, but one without the other does not happen. A state of relaxation can be created at will, and a special concentration and this can be learned in the process of meditating and meditation.

The fact that relaxation is very beneficial effect on human health 

- First, it allows you to cope with stress and to stop at least for a short time, its destructive effects on the body.

- Relaxation techniques are used directly to treat diseases, which are based on strain of the nervous system, such as hypertension, stress, asthma and all kinds of neuroses - neurasthenia, depressive and hypochondriac neurosis, etc. (Goleman, 2006)

- Meditation and its final state - relaxation improve concentration and mental performance.

Experts in psychology and neuroscience are well known that during the relaxation in the human body there is the necessary, positive reaction. At this time:

- decreases stress in brain

- The body uses oxygen more economically and completely satisfied with smaller amounts of it, which unloads the heart,

- Relax the muscles of the vascular walls, resulting in increased clearance of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure,

- Relax the muscles of the body,

- During meditation and relaxation decreases heart rate and heart work less, so- and "spent" less

- Decreases the frequency of respiratory movements, which allows to relax and recover from the respiratory muscles,

- Resting brain cells, and relaxed person calms down, thus getting rid of stress.

Relaxation techniques may be relatively contraindicated in:

- People with low blood pressure,

- Patients with diabetes who have a relaxation can cause a decrease in blood glucose levels due to lower production of her at this point,

- Patients with severe mental illness

- Patients with frequent fainting. (Goleman, 2006)

Relaxation techniques there is great variety - from the all become accustomed to the yoga sessions under control physician or psychologist. Modern man is quite capable to learn these techniques from books about self-control, meditation and anger management. It would be only a desire and understanding of this need. (Lehrer, 2007)

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Massage therapy is a popular treatment for the relief of sports injuries, strains, and muscle soreness. But its benefits are more than just physical: it is also an effective way to alleviate depression and anxiety—and improve sleep quality. (Wood, 2009)


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