Relationship between Resistin Hormone, Metabolic Parameters, Body Mass Index and Resistin Polymorphism Gene in persons with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Abdominal fat or obesity is connected with the resistance of insulin, a number of serious heart complications and also includes diabetes mellitus. The accurate process which is connecting obesity to the resistance of insulin is unclear. Resistin is a dibocyte protein hormone and it the function of adipose tissue to secrete this protein hormone and most likely to produce resistance to insulin and glucose, which was evaluated after the injection into normal rodents. Anti -resistin hormone antibodies showed enhanced insulin compassion and glucose resistance in the mouse that developed the condition of abdominal fat and resistance to insulin on a diet of high fat, but its significance to diabetes mellitus remains unclear. These results propose that there is a chance of clarification of resistin and insulin intolerance, caused by obesity, and diabetes mellitus in the individuals. DNA utilized to examine resistin gene appearance by quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Chapter 1: Introduction4
Problem Statement5
Thesis Statement6
Purpose of the Study6
Aims and Objectives6
Research Questions7
Chapter 2: Literature Review7
Resistin Hormone7
Body Mass Index10
Resistin Polymorphism Gene10
Historical Background10
Relationship between Resistin Hormone, Metabolic Parameters, Body Mass Index and Resistin Polymorphism Gene11
Chapter 3: Methodology13
Preparation of the DNA Extraction13
Performance of the Test13
Expected Results14
Possible Limitations14
Chapter 1: Introduction
Medical science has progressed in enormous fields, from patient's care to extra-ordinary technologies. Medical science has extended over vast domains, encircling both the technological aspect, as well as numerous other quantitative domains. Correspondingly, a number of studies have been conducted on diabetes and obesity. Diabetes is considered as one the most common and dreadful diseases. Many researchers have evaluated that around 80% of the population is suffering from diabetes mellitus. There are enormous factors, which are responsible for diabetes mellitus including high sweet level in diet, insulin resistance and many others. A very common symptom of diabetes is obesity. It was evaluated in many studies that around 90% of diabetic patients are suffering from obesity too. Obesity is itself a dangerous condition, which may lead a patient to death in certain situations. There are various metabolic parameters, which are used to detect any abnormality regarding obesity and diabetes by professionals. Both conditions are strongly interconnected. Body mass index is measureable tool, which are used to check the level of obesity. Although, there are many limitations in BMI but still it is a very useful tool in hospital settings.
A number of factors are working as a connected body in an individual's diabetic health and obesity. Resistin hormone and Resistin polymorphism gene are a part of those factors. Resistin protein hormone is synthesize and secrete by adipose tissues and is responsible to cause the resistance of target cells to insulin. Resistin protein is encoded by this resistin polymorphism gene, which is from chromosome # 19. Resistin is responsible for insulin resistance hence; it is causing diabetes mellitus. Metabolic parameters and Body mass index are also playing their function in the detection of diabetes and ...