Relationship Between Personality Traits & Absenteeism

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Relationship between Personality Traits & Absenteeism

Relationship between Extroversion & Absenteeism


Across the globe, absenteeism is a fast budding problem; and a costly dilemma for managers. To come up with a solution to reduce it is a major challenge. For any organization, coping with absenteeism in the workplace is a nuisance. Tactfulness and proper comprehension of the problem causing absenteeism are required for handling such situations. Attendance at workplace and its contrary absenteeism are intricate multi-dimensional issues concerning the communication and restrained interaction among workplace, employee, and employer, economic, social and societal aspects (Biorn, 2010). The absence phenomenon is classified into broad categories, that is, microclimate and macroclimate factors. Personality, career and organization are categorized as microclimate factors while medical, economic, and ethnic and social- cultural are classified as macroclimate factors (Grady, & Lease, 2010).

Literature Review

The Psychology of Personality and Absenteeism

For scientists from various disciplines, personality has turn out to be a trendy research topic as it emerges to determine most features of human interaction. A hierarchical concept is formed by the Five Factor Model that covers five personality dimensions that are independent and stable (Big Five) which, by analyzing the ratings of individual on the respective scales, consent to the differentiation among people (Biorn, 2010). In general, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness to Experience refer these five personality dimensions. The degree to which traits from the big five model of personality can be applied for predicting absenteeism in the workplace is investigated (Hilbe, 2009). According to their study, “Personality Factors Predict Absenteeism in the Workplace” extraversion predicts work absence positively in the workplace, through regression analysis. The big five model is supported by the results as a valuable foundation from which to explore the association among temperament factors and absenteeism (Nordberg, & Røed, 2009).

The relationship between personality and biographical factors in absenteeism is also found be Kruger (2009). Kruger explores the association of personality and biographical factors in absenteeism. Kruger puts research question whether the construct ”personality” be evaluated and explained in the framework of the work environment, and is it possible to study the relationship empirically between personality, biographical factors and absenteeism. Within the trait or dimensional perspective, the construct “personality” is exhibited. Within the paradigm of functionalism (quantitative approach), the empirical study is demonstrated. The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was the chosen measuring instrument. Using a random sample of Aviation Security Officers, 16 PF SA 92 was administered. The sample size was 72. By means of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient method, the reliability of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was verified. Stepwise regression analysis was done to find out if one of predictor of absenteeism is personality. It was indicated by results that only marital status and number of dependants is associated with the degree of absenteeism (Paton, 2010).

In “Individual determinants of work attendance: evidence on the role of personality” by Störmer und Fahr (2010), the influence of personality on absenteeism is investigated using representative data for Germany. To analyze an empirical model, estimations of count ...
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