Relationship Between Genetic Susceptibility, Type 2 Diabetes, And Obesity

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Relationship between Genetic Susceptibility, Type 2 Diabetes, and Obesity



Obesity and BMI3

Epidemiology - The Evidence of an association between obesity and Type 2 diabetes4

Genetic predisposition5





The purpose of this assignment is to explain the argument that there is a relationship between genetic susceptibility, obesity, and the development of Type 2 Diabetes. This paper has discussed the impact of different factors on the development of Type 2 Diabetes including obesity and genetic disposition of individuals.


Obesity and BMI

Obesity and overweight are terms used to refer to body weights greater than the weight considered healthy according to a height. The term obesity also refers to body weight that is associated with an increased likelihood of diseases and other problems (Deitel, 2011. Pp. 764).

For adults, the ranges of obesity are determined through the calculation of weight and height proportion. This is also known as the body mass index. Body Mass Index is a term which refers to the proportion of body weight with respect to height. Adults with BMI between 25 and 29.9 are considered to be overweight. Similarly, individuals who have a BMI of 30 or more than 30 are considered obese. It is important to note that BMI correlates with the amount of fat present in the body. However, it does not measure body fat directly (Deitel, 2011. Pp. 764).

The largest increases in morbidity and mortality occur in the cases ofmoderate or severe obesities, i.e. greater than 20% acceptable weight. It has been found that the concentration of fat, mainly in the abdominal and visceral fat, is used to make predictions about health risks related to obesity. Among the most widely used assessment of the weight, the Body Mass Index (BMI or BMI is the most accurate one.

Epidemiology - The Evidence of an association between obesity and Type 2 diabetes

The modern sedentary lifestyle and the abundance of calories among individuals have developed new physiological conditions. The genetic variations and genes play a role in the adaptation of human physiology (Whitmore, 2010, pp. 822). Obesity - a chronic disease characterized pathologically (painful) excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity can develop due to the disorder of lipid metabolism in connection with diseases of the endocrine or central nervous system (secondary, symptomatic obesity).

According to Fagot et al (1998), type of diabetes is strongly associated with obesity. In other words, obesity is a risk factor for the development of Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity plays a vital role in the development of diabetes because it mobilizes free fatty acids and inflammatory cytokines that promote insulin resistance. Adipose tissues in human beings secrete Adiponectin which is inversely correlated with an increase it weight. Obesity leads towards diabetes through progressive defect in the secretion of insulin. This situation is coupled with an increase in insulin resistance. Both these situations lead towards diabetes. Thus, an increase in body fatness along with an increase in visceral and ectopic depots of fat in human body is associated with resistance of insulin (Shah et al, 2011, ...
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