Relationship Between Drug Abuse And Crimes

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Relationship between Drug Abuse and Crimes

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Defining Drug Abuse2

Defining Drug Related Crimes3

Relationship between Drug Abuse and Crime5

Arrestees Frequently Test Positive for Recent Drug Use8

Drugs Generate Violent Crime9

Types of Crime Committed By Drug Users10

Models to Study Relationship between Crimes and Drug Abuse12

Goldstein Model12

Categories of Drug Related Crimes13

Psychopharmacological Crime13

Economic Compulsive Crime13

Systemic Crime14

Drug Law Offences14

The Drug/Crime Relationship Should Be Interpreted Cautiously15

Measuring Drug-Related Crime: Issues and Challenges15

Dealing with Drug Related Crimes16


Community Disposals17




Relationship between Drug Abuse and Crimes


This paper makes an attempt to explore relationship between drugs abuse and criminal activities. The research question that is explored in this research is whether there is a strong relationship between drugs and criminal activities or not. The method that is implied in this paper is secondary research. By exploring existing literature, facts and statistics an attempt is made to answer the research question. Thorough analysis of the existing data shows that depicting the relationship between drugs abuse and criminal activities is difficult. Analysis of gathered information clearly reveals strong connection between criminal activities and drugs abuse but, the existing information also shows barriers and difficulties when it comes to measure whether a crime occur because of drugs addiction or not. By taking into consideration all these factors it is concluded that it is difficult to predict the relationship between drugs abuse and criminal activities.

Relationship between Drug Abuse and Crimes


Criminal activities and drugs abuse are associated have been associated with each other for so long. Criminal activities include driving under the influence of drugs, rape, domestic violence, prostitution, robberies and assaults etc. There are some crimes that are committed because of the habit of drugs consumption. This entails consumption, possession, production and distribution of illegal drugs. Similarly, there are other crimes that take place as a result of the drugs abuse. Recent trends show that because of the consumption of illicit drugs, it shows direct results, in the form of domestic violence, low quality of lifestyle and deterioration of rapport and relationship among people. The strong nexus that exists between crime and addiction is an issue that is worthy of attention. The commission of crime as well as the usage of illicit substances both are the serious and problematic behaviors that become the reason behind societal unrest (Katherine, 2004). The need to reduce drug-related crime is recognized as an important issue across the world. Therefore, there is an immense need to explore this topic in great detail. The aim and objective of this paper is to inform the reader about also to talk about the relationship between drug abuse and crimes.

Research Question

The research question for this paper is to determine whether there is a relationship between drugs abuse and criminal activities or not.

Research Method

The research approach that is adopted in this study is secondary research. Secondary research (desk research) is generally based on the information that is already available and so is known as desk research. It is not based on assumptions or preconceived ideas. This method is flexible, unstructured and ...
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