\ relational Model Of Database Management

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Relational Model of Database Management

Executive Summary

The primary problem faced by our business enterprise is the organization and handling of the large amount of data. This problem is causing the decrement in the pace of our organizational practices as the process of the handling and organization of the data determines the time consumption in performing any operation. Also, slow data retrieval has been reported by many employees. My proposal is to incorporate a relational database management system (RDBMS) to increase the effective and reduce the operating time of the processes of organization. The information to be stored will be kept in form of tables and when specific object need to be retrieved from the database, new compact table will be created by (RDBMS) in the database which allows the faster retrieval of the data. The implementation of RDBMS will greatly simplify the accessing of the data by the users and speed up the desired information retrieval from the server.

Relational Model of Database Management

Database and Database Management

The organized data in form of the collection of machine readable symbols, which in some case are interpreted as true account of an organization is referred to as database. The access to the database, in a typical case, is available to all the users within an enterprise with possibly varying priorities. In a database, files are cross-referenced, integrated or linked to their similar counterparts. The main advantage of using database in our organization will be the ease of accessing of the data and records, contained in separate files and reducing their retrieval time. The system organizing and managing the database is called a database management system.

The database management system is a specific collection of specialized software programs that handles the creation, editing and updating of data in the files contained in a database. The system allows the user to add, delete, modify, search or sort the data in the database. In various organization there exists a profound need of storage and linking of the files pertaining to the skills and abilities of our workforce, income tax files, contact files, and mainly the data files.

One application of the technology of relational database is its in the healthcare system on national and international level. Many hospitals of the United States are using relational database technology for the efficient information handling and ease of access to the information for planned treatment programs and management of resources (Judd & Kim, 2010).

Codd's Relational Database Model

With the advancements in the field of database, the concept of relational database was created. Relational database is referred to the organization of symbols into a collection of distinct relations. The relational database theory is based on the concept of relations. The common perception about the concept of relational database is that the involvement of relating tables in the database, however, this concept is not accurate. The relation model involves the terms of relation, attribution and tuples instead of the terminologies of tables, rows and columns filled with data.

Codd conceived the first relational database model in ...
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