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Interfaith dialogues are integral to the enhancement of missionary endeavours in the United Kingdom

Interfaith dialogues are integral to the enhancement of missionary endeavours in the United Kingdom


As far as there has been any form of joint contact, people belonging to different religions of the world have also interacted and interrelated with each other in different ways. This has been with regard to most of the religions, and in particular to Christianity whose approach has been primarily that of missionary involvement in the expedition for converts (Hutchison, 1991, p.42). However things have transformed to some extent. For several years interreligious dialogue has been a recognized lawful Church life's dimension, and ecumenical co-operative involvement dimension, in a number of quarters of the world. Thus, The Church of England, in association with its associate churches, tries to maintain good associations with people of different faith conventions, and where feasible to collaborate with them in commission to humanity (Lochhead, 2012, p.165). One of such religions is Islam which has been the spotlight, in latest years, of nurturing of healthy relations within both ecclesiastical and academic circles and much dialogical activity as well (Lochhead, 2012, p.165).


In various parts of planet earth, interreligious dialogue is a comparative routine; however in others it is not so. All through the world nowadays, a wide range of humankind, more than a billion people signifying a range of different cultures and races, follows Islam (Lochhead, 2012, p.167). However, within this variety there may be established a universal Islamic tradition as well which comprises of behaviour, language, mores and which bonds Muslims didvided in otherwise partitions of customs. Personal individuality is covered with communal individuality: both are contextualised and surrounded by the limits of space and time. Nowadays, in several lands, Muslims are trying to recuperate and affirm their individuality as Muslims, and thus, Islamic societies are trying to form their fate in line with Islamic philosophy (Lochhead, 2012, p.168).

Today, interest in Islam is sky-scraping all over the world. Lets say if, global warming is a matter of apprehension, the thought of an interreligious render down between Christianity and Islam, which between them include the mainstream of the whole population of the world, that is between Western world and Islam cannot be unconscientiously passed by, particularly given the rise these days of the alleged “fundamentalist? philosophies and associated assertive, yet terrorist activities.

One of the renowned Islamic scholars, Seyyed Hossein Nasr has declared that the religion Islam is a sacred and indivisible constituent of the Abrahamic group of religions and deems itself to be intimately and strongly associated with the two monotheistic beliefs that paved the way for it. Islam imagines itself the match or part of those faiths and the ultimate appearance of Abrahamic monotheism, corroborating the knowledge of Christianity and Judaism, however refusing any sort of exclusivist (Ariarajah, 1999, p.58).

Also, Richard Bulliet tries to establish the scenario for an unmarked second thoughts of the association between the Islamic world and the supposed Christian Westernized world that is ...