Rei Marketing Environment Worksheet

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REI Marketing Environment Worksheet

REI Marketing Environment Worksheet

U.S. Economy

The economy of United States has been able to control the impact of downturns that are found in the consumer spending within the domestic retail. It is mainly due to the strong trade with other foreign countries. The current economic climate and the challenges that are faced by the consumers of United States seems that the foreign economic growth will not be able to stop any upcoming recession in the United States. The retail industry of United States can be a major source that can affect the US economy. The protracted recession in the service and consumer sectors can have huge impact on the overall US economy. All the citizens of United States are well aware of the terrible situation from which the U.S. Housing Market is going through and due to this reason the consumer spending is also declining gradually.

As the market is not able to recover its expenditure effectively therefore it has to take loans and borrow money from the banks and other financing organizations that is producing detrimental effect on the economy of United States. All these practices are raising the cost of living. The consumers are having higher credits and this is stopping them from taking any further credits, which is the main reason that the retailers are facing major declines in their sales as the consumers are not willing to take up any further loans and the economy is getting suffered.

The REI retail operations of United States are getting threatened due to these factors found in the U.S. Economy. The capital projects of the foreign manufacturing companies in United States are getting highly affected due to these issues.

Global Economy

Currently, the global economy is not affecting the REI retail operations at all. This can be analyzed with ...
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