Rehabilitation Assignment

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Rehabilitation Assignment

Rehabilitation Assignment

Question 1:

The stakeholders of Reading Rehabilitation Health are the patients, the administration of the RRH and the medical professionals like nurses, therapists etc. The stakeholders are important part of the organization as they are at risks from various aspects. The first and foremost stakeholders are the patients that are at risk. The patients not only pay for whatever services they are getting from the rehabilitation centre but also risking their lives by accepting the treatment provided by the hospital. The second most important stakeholders of the hospital are the founders and administration of the Reading Rehabilitation Health. The RRH is a subsidiary of Adventist Health Ministries that was sponsored by the churches of the Seven Day Adventist. The stakeholders of the RRH want the well being of their patients and have categorized it as their first priority. They also want to deliver such a service that can go beyond the physical healing including spiritual healing. The stakeholders of the RRH that are the administration of the hospital defined the quality of service provided by remaining within the healthcare industry for long period of time at a competitive cost.

Question 2:

The benefits of the new system in which care delivery is organized around diagnoses or 'service lines' in comparison to the old system where patient care was organized by function is that it is ideal for bringing the nurses, therapists and doctors together at work in an interdisciplinary manner in order to treat the patients in a particular group. In a care delivery that is organized around diagnoses or 'service lines', the services is organized on the basis of the patient's need rather than the discipline of the RRH. Another important benefit of the service lines or the service delivery that is based on the patient's needs is the improvement in the interdisciplinary coordination. The reconciliation of the plans is being done more often and is put into action outside of the weekly conferences of team. The duplication of the questions by the question has also been solved as the physical therapists and occupational therapists are working together regarding the evaluations of their service delivery. However there are various drawbacks of the diagnosis based service delivery or service lines as well. These drawbacks have been observed to be the fall in the utilization of the therapist that reduced to six billable hours for every eight hour workday that is equal to 75% of the billing ratio.

Question 3:

At 116 therapists, the Reading Rehabilitation Health is not overstaffed but the variability in the number of patients and the kind of diagnosis availed by the patients was the main reason of the number of staff been idle at work and counted as the overstaffed. However due to the reduced length of stays of the patients at Reading Rehabilitation Hospital, there was created a condition of overstaffing within the hospital. At the time of reduced length of stays and variability in the number of patients, the RRH should employ only the number ...
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