Registered Nurses Association Of Ontario

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Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario


The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) is the professional association in which the nurses are registered, irrespective of wherever they practice in Ontario. It was established in 1952, with the aim of practicing healthy public policy and promoting excellence in nursing in order to align with their value which says healthy lifestyle and appropriate health-care are the right of every individual (, 2013). Therefore, they establish rules and policies which influence the nurses and their practices. Simultaneously, they make certain decisions which positively affect nurses and the public they serve (, 2010). This essay is going to cover the purpose and a brief history of RNAO and evaluate the role which RNAO plays in effective nursing leadership (, 2012).


RNAO's Values

RNAO believe that health is the resource for every person and the effective health-care services is the right of every individual. Furthermore, RNAO aims to respect human dignity and irrespective of the social class, religion, ethnicity, and culture discrimination. They emphasize on equality, democracy, social justice and serve diversity (, 2012). Their focus is on empowering nurses and implanting leadership attribute in them so that they can make a sensible decision in order to advance health of the public they serve. They work for the betterment of the health-care sector and nurses in collaboration with different authorities, government, organizations and health sector representatives to effectively apply advance health policies.


In 1904, the Graduate Nurses Association of Ontario (GNAO) was formed by the alumni groups of nursing school in Ontario. Its aim was to develop professionalism in nurses; hence, it is the forerunner of RNAO. In 1922, by the effort of GNAO, nurse's registration act was passed by the government (Grossman & Valiga, 2009). In 1925, the name of GNAO was changed under Ontario Companies Act to RNAO.

Throughout the 19th century, various developments have been witnessed in RNAO, and their practices to ensure development in nurses and play a centre role in the nursing community and nurses (, 2012). In 2004, they celebrated their successful 100 years of organized nursing. Furthermore, in 2005, they collaborated with University of Ottawa and establish Nursing Best Practice Research Unit (NBPRU) (, 2013).

Mission Statement

The mission of RNAO is to foster knowledge-based nursing practice, in order to promote quality and efficiency in their viable interaction and professional development. In addition, RNAO aims to deliver excellence in proficient work environment and to deliver advance technology in the health-care sector. For this purpose, they indulge in the intense development of the present and future registered nurses in improving the health and delivering more advance health heed services (, 2012).

Nurses Assistance

The general membership is composed of more than 26,000 registered nurses and students in various fields and areas of nursing practices (, 2012). RNAO assist nurses by developing guidelines and offer them support in providing the client with the best health care services. According to the Educator's Resource, there are almost 50 ...
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