Reflective Report

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Reflective Report on Everays

Reflective Report on Everays


I chose to work with Everays - a local construction company during the internship period. Everays is engaged in the business of constructing path ways, doors, gardens, windows etc. Currently, I am working in the capacity of an Assistant Trainee Manager and my duties include placing orders, negotiating with clients and suppliers to get the best price for a company, making quotations and plan the training and development activities at Everays. This opportunity provided me a supportive, challenging and dynamic environment to use my theoretical knowledge to the test and make changes as required.

The primary motive behind choosing to work with Everays was that it is a local construction firm where majority of the people are from the local community. Therefore, it provides me with a tremendous opportunity to socialize and play a crucial role in development of my home town. They are engaged in a number of projects at the same time which requires planning and management of workforce. Training programs are needed to develop the skills of workers to enable them to do their job more efficiently. This exposes me to a variety of experiences which require sound decision making, leadership qualities and negotiation skills to achieve positive outcomes.

Everays does have its share in short comings and lacks a structured appraisal system which affects the motivation of the employees. They believe that the appraisal system is not in line with their current needs and skills. A few of the departments are working in silos. This was brought into the attention of senior management during the course of my internship. The training department was assigned the job of designing a package to train the workers and bring efficiency to the communication between the departments. Working at Everays provided me an opportunity to showcase my leadership skills by taking initiatives and getting coworkers involved in the process of training and development. I had the realization of constantly knowing that I had a purpose to achieve at my job and the organizational experience was in complete harmony with my life philosophy. I might say that even though I have had the opportunity to work for several organizations, the experience and knowledge that I have been able to gather from Everays is unique.

I will break down the experiences I had at Everays into the four broad categories of managerial skills.

Leadership Skills

Leadership Model

The economy and prosperity of an economy is greatly dependent on the performance of its construction industry. The availability of properly configured and located house and public premises plays a vital role in the effective mobility of the workforce and resources. Leadership plays an integral part in making sure that the strategic goals of the organizations are being met and provide guidance and support when and where required. According to John Adiar, leadership is not something that is built into the genetic make up for a human being, but it is a transferrable skill that can be learned. The key elements of this skill are ...
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