Reflective Report

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Reflective Report

Reflective Report


Communication plays vital role in all the walks of life, and is especially essential in the field of marketing and in organizations. All the organizations are operating on the basis of various communication models and the same are used for creating an environment of coordination among various departments and institutions. It is eminent to mention here that communication is no more an option for the organizations, and it has now gained the status of necessity and requirement, thus making it unable for the organizations to operate without any forms of communication. Although organizational communication is different from the other informal means of communication, it should be noted that it hold equal importance and is equally essential in for the development and maintenance of relations and business terms. The article under discussion also highlights the main points and factors involved in communication and also highlight the key points and issues that are expected to arise in future:


In the article 'Communication is not optional', the author has shed light on the importance of communication and has also highlighted the ways in which communication is affecting and influencing the organizational processes. The author has rightly pointed out the general mistakes made by most of the authors and the manners in which they should deal with the problems. The major cause behind most of the organizational issues is the fact that most of the managers delay the process of communication until it becomes increasingly important, and thus presents the last option to their issues and problems. However, they fail to realize that the problems are actually caused by the lack of communication and if the right message is conveyed at the right time, the problems and issues would not be created at the first point.

The factors and issues pointed out by the author are not only essential in highlighting the current problems and issues in the field of management but also assist in focusing on the issues that are expected to arise in future. For instance, the author has mentioned that the manager wait for the last minute and do not communicate with their employees on regular basis have to face the consequences at the end and thus suffer from the issues created by the communication gap. A number of researches have shown that employees work better when the managers communicate with them on regular basis and keep updating them about the changes and alterations taking place in the organization. This implies that if the individuals on leadership level make sure that the employees are informed about all their decisions and future plans at the right time, they would be able to plan their work accordingly and thus come up with the expectations of the organization (Miller, 2008). On the other hand, if the plans are not revealed properly and the employees are expected to keep working without getting any details, the managers and the leadership level individuals would have to face the consequences at the end in the form of disappointment ...
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