Reflective Practice

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Promotion of Urinary Incontinence using Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Promotion of Urinary Incontinence using Gibbs Reflective Cycle


This paper intends to focus on the promotion of urinary incontinence in people. I shall shed light on my personal experiences and encounters using Gibbs reflective cycle (1988). Further, I shall examine my learning process and my development that I achieved through this experience. In addition to this, I may reflect upon a particular incident that I came across regarding urinary incontinence, and that in what way it groomed my knowledge and skills to achieve my desired level of practice.


I chose Gibbs reflective framework (1988) as it covers 6 different stages of reflection. This helps in describing the incident thoroughly and its development and after effects. The stages are clearly set out, stage what covers what happened at the event, step two is what you felt, step three an evaluation of what was good or bad. Step four is a description of the event, five is the evaluation and finally stage six is an action plan on what you would do if the situation arises again. Reflection is referred to an active flow where the understanding is developed and takes place that how historical, cultural, personal experience, social, and cognitive contributes towards professional practice and knowledge (McNulty, 1999, 12).

Description of the Incident

This stage will explain the incident in detail. I was given the charge of the female patient named Judy who was diagnosed with urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary loss of urine that is objectively demonstrable and is a social and hygienic.

Initially when Judy came in for the tests, we were unable to diagnose that she has been suffering from urinary incontinence. Judy was 62 years old and had been going through a distress. However, she seemed mentally unfit. The symptoms that were reveled were feeling isolated, depressed and loss of self esteem. Consequently, she suffered from social consequences. There was stress in her family and friends because of her health. Further, she abandoned domestic and social activities. She was then being treated only for mental illness and she was prescribed anti-depression medication and assigns her appointment for next week for follow up.

Next week on Monday morning, she came in with worst health situation. At first she felt ashamed of revealing the truth, but later upon insist she told that she is not able to control her urination. Since she did not tell this earlier, her urination had been increased and had gone out of control. Upon testing her, Judy was immediately admitted in the Care centre. Her health condition had become extremely dangerous and life threatening.


Following the incident and reflecting on it further that afternoon, I felt angry with myself as I should have been more careful. I blamed myself and felt really guilty for Judy's condition. At first when she visited, she seemed somewhat friendly. But now since the problem had been gone out of control, she seemed very disturbed and isolated more than ...
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