Reflective Portfolio

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In order to grow professionally it is important to craft a clear development plan that can help an individual grow and meet his or her set goals. Thus, in the context of the success it is very important that an individual must follow the set path with the identified goals in his or her life. Since the goal setting will allow the individual to have a meaning attached to his or her work. Precisely it would be safe to state that personal learning goals tends to give a meaning and allows the individual to gauge his or her potential by stretching to the limits of his or her talent. The fact should also be kept in mind that in the course of the paper I intend to focus on the aspects of personal learning which is acquired during the course of Masters in Business Administration. However, I ma of the opinion that the personal learning tends to have a rooted relationship with the plan of the individual. Thus, before initiating a plan, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses, and then plan for the future (Gilbert 2009, p.145).

These strength and weaknesses will help me determine the areas which I must consider for my future. Moreover, the fact needs to be kept in mind that the success of the individual is often due to the success of the group. Thus, the group work in this context should be given the credit due. It is because of the group work that the individual tends to develop the skills required to compete in the market (Thomas & John, 1986). Therefore, this paper will answer the questions relating to my personal goals along with the help my group members have provided me to inculcate the skills essential for the survival in the market.


Personal Learning Goals

As the term suggests that personal learning goals tends to be linked with the identified goals of an individual. Since the course of the MBA does require the help of the other individual thus the team tends to achieve the success or failure. In my opinion it is the set of people handling skills along with the competence of an individual which guides the individual towards the success. Thus, as a business professional I do understand the fact that the individual should have the ability to adapt as per the requirements of the work. I have the dream to achieve success by developing the traits of becoming as one of the best, if not the best in whatever I do. However, personal learning does require that the individual should be clear in his or her planning (James &Barry 2010, p.101). As a business graduate I tend to see myself working in the top notch company such as Unilever or any other company which tends to give me the liberty to achieve, what I want to achieve in my life. Moreover, planning is not the ultimate thing it must be effectively and efficiently supported ...
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