Reflective Paper - Growing Up As Jacinta Martin

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Reflective Paper - Growing up as Jacinta Martin

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Growing up as Jacinta Martin

As a native of Georgia, Atlanta, I had a very normal childhood, which enabled me to successfully master all the moral developmental phases as proposed by the famous theorist Lawrence Kohlberg (Kohlberg, 1973). I often thought that I could not have had a better childhood. Born in 1963, I grew up at a time of change, when the great social activist Martin Luther King Jr. was campaigning to erase violence from the American way of life. Moreover, at the time of my birth, the government of President Kennedy was in charge, which was a source of constant delight for the American nation and my family.

All my life I saw my parents working hard to give their children, the best they could. We were three siblings, with me as the middle child, and both my parents used to work, but my father remained the undisputed authority and head of the house. He had strength and consistency, two values that he managed to successfully ingrain in us even when we did not recognize the importance of these traits. Looking at other men now with adult eyes, I can see how responsible he really was, and how he has set a high standard of moral values and life in general. Even my husband often feels that he cannot emulate my father, yet I encourage him to keep trying, as working hard for what you believe in is another lesson that my father has taught me well. Basing my beliefs on solid Christian values has further enabled me to maintain a high standard of living.

Many people have made a great impact on my life and up until now, I have managed to adhere to the lessons I learned from each of them. Here I would like to mention my grandmother who was such a constant source of joy and wisdom for our family and friends. She taught me how to love and remain patient even through the worst times. I believe it was her brought up that reflected in my parent's values, even when the budget was tight my father made sure we never felt the pinch of it so to say. He would work two jobs during the day and still make time to have dinner with us every single night. He put all of his three ...