Reflective Paper

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Reflective paper


The Norton Anthology of Theory and criticism presents an extraordinary collection of diverse states most influential critics of the classical era to today. Edited by researchers and teachers whose interests range from the history of the poetics of postmodernism, from classical rhetContinue

The Norton Anthology of Theory and criticism presents an extraordinary collection of diverse states most influential critics of the classical era to today. Edited by researchers and teachers whose interests range from the history of poetics to postmodernism, from classical rhetoric ériture Women, and the social construction of gender in the workings of the celebrity academic, Norton anthology of critical theory and promises to become the standard anthology in its field.

The Romantic movement was the engulfed with writers developing their intense passion into written works. Frederick Douglass wrote, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" during the year 1845 and in which he describes his tortured years as a slave, courage and determination it took for him to overcome and succeed in his life.( Odell 1834:112) This piece remains a large part of the Romantic Period as described by the Norton Anthology as a "narrative constructed by a man who has finally, arduously, discovered his self-hood recapitulates the process of that discovery: a process with language at its heart."

Thesis Statement

The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces does a great job of explaining Romanticism as it, "implies new emphases on imagination, on feeling, on the value of the primitive and the untrammeled, and particularly a narrowing of outlook from the universal to the particular, from humankind or 'man' to the nation or ethnic group, and from the stability of community to the "fulfillment" of the individual."

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Difference between American and European (Modernism)

The Era of Realism followed with playwrights Henrik Ibsen and Anton Chekhov who wrote such works ...
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