Reflective Paper

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Reflective Paper

Reflective Paper


This paper intends to discuss my learning of the course Organizational Redesign and Innovation. Innovation refers to developing something new and unique every time. Innovation is undoubtedly a cross functional activity that works for promoting the effectiveness of organizations. Basically organizational redesign and innovation refers to the changes being made in the original structures. Structures are needed to be changed for the purpose of achieving better organizational performance (David & Lawrence, 2009). It is difficult to say that one type of structure is viable for every kind of organization. The purpose of this paper is to express my learning about the utility of an innovation idea. This paper will apply the ideas of organizational redesign and innovation to a real life situation.


Organizational innovation is something which refers to the changes being made in the structures or otherwise within the organizations for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency, market share, competitive and many other things in comparison to the underlying competition (David & Lawrence, 2009). Innovation is an idea which is not restricted to only organizations or development of new products and services. The implementation of innovation can go beyond the organizational boundaries and can be extended to personal or real life situations.

Innovation in personal life can be seen in the form of taking initiatives for changing oneself for the attainment of better personality. Similarly, organizational innovation is also not restricted to only manufacturing concerns. All organizations can innovate including hospitals, schools, governments and even churches. One of the most important innovations that can be traced from the perspective of societal innovation is the enhancement in mass transit systems with hybrid bus fleets to real time tracking systems. Similarly, increasing trends of electronic medical records in hospitals is another good example of organizational innovation (David & Lawrence, 2009).

What I have thought for the purpose of innovation is related to churches. I have observed that there are many changes which can be easily made for the purpose of improving the coordination between various churches and the performance of each church at core (Rogers, 1962). The scenario I have chosen relates to a church. The accounts manager at my church is extremely careless and do not personally focus on the details of small things that are important to the church. Moreover, another aspect which made me think of this innovation is that only señor pastor is responsible for so many things that it becomes impossible for him to manage all the things properly.

My innovative scenario will be to develop an organizational chart for our system of churches that will unite all the church ministries under one leadership team innovation (David & Lawrence, 2009). One top will be the church board followed by two main committees; first would be the church administration committee and the other one would be the ministry administration committee. From the administrative committee we will evolve two subcommittees; one will be the department of finance and the other one will be the department of ...
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