Reflective Essay: To What Extent Is Diversity Successfully Accounted For By Birth-2 Schools And By Early Childhood Teachers?

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Reflective Essay: To What Extent Is Diversity Successfully Accounted For By Birth-2 Schools And By Early Childhood Teachers?

Reflective Essay: To What Extent Is Diversity Successfully Accounted For By Birth-2 Schools And By Early Childhood Teachers?


Children learn how to behave by imitating the behavior of those around them. So parents, teachers, and others who care for them should have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide the best early childhood learning environments and interaction. Parents and others who have dependent children should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate deficiencies in the growth and development of children. Early childhood education is one of the most outstanding axes on which social policy should promote a universal, not only to safeguard social equity but also to strengthen the state-society relationship.

My interview reveals that early childhood teachers have a great responsibility. Although teachers are not to replace parents, they are likely to play roles in the classroom parent. Early childhood teachers who work with children need to know about social skills and human interaction. They need to be fixed to stop inappropriate behavior. It is vital that the early childhood teachers need to understand social and cultural issues, so that they can help to integrate children of all races and cultures. Early childhood teachers must have good administrative and organizational skills. This will helps them to create more effective lessons and make the curriculum work better. Because children develop just at that age, teachers need to understand their learning styles and match their speed with the child.

Early childhood education is the ultimate expression of the concept of diversity. Actually human diversity is real, objective, undeniable, and unavoidable, and this is much more evident in the early ages of development. From this point of view the term diversity is not a new concept nor does it mean the latest in education, and in fact is a fact inherent to the problem of educating that has existed throughout the ages.

Discussion and Analysis

Parents, teachers, and people in charge of childcare determine the level of development of infants and young children age based on the way they interact and play. Early childhood teacher's participation is essential to the learning process in early childhood and lays the foundation for future academic learning of children. The broader goal of learning in early childhood is to ensure that disadvantaged children to start their schooling on time. Teachers and child care providers can offer all children a warm and welcoming place and a consistent routine. This support will help to reassure a child when there is stress and changes at home. It is the responsibility of the early childhood teachers to ask parents to inform them as soon as possible on a future deployment. This information can help the teacher understand the child's unusual behaviors, such as anger, sadness, or clinging to adults.

Each child must travel at least in the first two years to its next higher age group to the extent that it has the appropriate level of ...