Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay


Concepts of management can be dated as far as back as hunters and gatherers. Though primitive, this simple classification into two categories is effective. People in that era lived off the land. The physically fit and perceptive men went out and hunted their food. The weaker women, the elderly and the children stayed near home and gathered things like berries, fire wood and water. Roles got defined based on characteristics. There are numerous other examples of management throughout history. A commonly understood fact is that if management techniques were not present, chaos would reign supreme. Effective management is the key to our progress from cavemen to space explorers. It is the sole reason behind the development of our society as we see it today. Right beside all examples of success from effective management, evidences exists of catastrophic failures caused by bad and irresponsible management. When evacuation plans for a natural disaster fail, when a plane crashes, when governments are unable to improve the nation; ineffective management is the root cause. Studies have shown that some of the most successful leaders and managers only succeeded because they knew who they were leading (Simonton, 2012, pp. 630-640). They understood the mindset of their people. They understood their personalities. We must understand the personality differences that exist amongst people. Only then will we be able to use the work force to its full potential.

Failing to do so will only create problems. Actions like bullying, insensitivity, selfishness, intimidation and over control will take over. If this happens, productivity goes out the window. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the fact that knowledge of different personalities can positively affect management. This happens by explaining what personality is and how it plays a role in the management.


Traits versus Characteristics

The term personality can be divided into two parts. They are inherited behavior, or traits and learned behavior, or characteristics. Though there is a difference between the two, they combine to form an individual's personality. Research shows that traits are extremely difficult to change. On the other hand, characteristics can be altered because they are gained through external experiences (Sackett and DeVore, 2001, pp. 146-65).


Traits are generally what direct our development. They guide what and how information is gathered, processed and eventually acted out. They are our preferences and how we use those preferences in our daily lives. Traits are usually visible. They are the first bit of information someone else learns about you. They further use knowledge of our alleged traits in order to find a way to speak to us, and we decide how to react based on the same traits. It is these same qualities that frame our creativity in solutions and how we handle our work. Natural traits shape our talents, perceptions and emotions. Furthermore, these traits play a vital role in establishing our values, principles and core beliefs (Spector, 2006, pp. 30-47). These three things directly influence our conduct and behavior towards ourselves, the people around us ...
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