Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

I have just started my career at FDA Children's Care Learning and Development and working a pre-school. I love my job and my studies especially children and doing really good on last 3 years. I am not a native speaker of English but still I have very sound relationship with my colleagues.

In my personal statement my short-term goals were to pass all of the first year modules with at least 75 percent. Since starting university these goals have changed as I have become more familiar with the marking scheme. I now wish to pass all first year modules with a 2.1 and so far I have succeeded in doing so. I also wanted to join the psychology Society at Staffordshire University and register with the BPS however I have not yet achieved this and hope to complete this task by the end of the academic year. Another of my targets was to meet lots of people with similar interests to myself. Since started university I have definitely completed this target as I have made lots of friends both on my course and in my accommodation. One aim I am going to set myself is to become more organised when it comes to assignments because my time keeping skills have not been as good as I would like which meant that I left some assignments to the last minute. I will achieve this by keeping a diary with the course deadlines clearly noted down and I will try to complete every assignment as soon as possible after it is set.

The group work involved in some modules has improved my communication and team work skills. I was required to interact with people and produce a piece of work in a certain period of time which also developed my organisation and time keeping skills. This was achieved by attending set meetings outside the seminars and completing the allocated tasks for specific deadlines. This was one way that I completed my target to meet lots of new people as I was required to work with people that I had never met before. The practical session on the Crime scene investigation module helped me to put my academic knowledge in to practice. This was acheived by working in the laboratory and following the set instructions provided thus developing my practical skills which were never my strongest point.

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