Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay


Individuality or uniqueness of an individual is closely related to his/her dressing sense. It gives an individual the identity in a modern fashion oriented world. Today when people talk about dress codes and have become more conscious of the prevailing fashion to be adopted in their dressing style, it is evident that dressing sense has taken a position close to the phenomenon known as fashion (Barnard, ?. 2000). Clothes are considered as the display elements in expressing and shaping identities, instilling it with a straight material realism. They provide a helpful lens through which to explore the possibly changing ways in which older identities are constituted in modern culture (Barnard, ?. 2000).

Thesis Statement

The selected research turned out successfully due to the nature of the topic. The aim of this paper is to discuss the dressing fashion as a phenomenon in the modern world which contributes to how an individual looks like. It plays a significant role in giving an identity to an individual and the way people perceive him.


Fashion is a shared cultural experience created by the individual but connected to the events of a very large number of dress designers who aim to establish a distinctive image of their own. This race among the designers is not limited to the Fashion world only indeed with the passage of time it has diffused in the societies affecting the routine attitudes of individuals. People today have become more conscious (Barnard, ?. 2000). Thanks to the Media and the unlimited access to the World through World Wide Web. Today people are more dress conscious rather than be being health conscious. The criteria of evaluation or judgment on an individual basis have shifted to the style and brand of clothing. If a person wears the colors that are considered Color of the Season or have followed a fashion line of some popular designer, they are considered to have a Good Fashion sense (Barnard, ?. 2000).

Fashion Awareness

Wakefulness of the trends what is “In the Fashion” and what are not shows the level of awareness in common people. What kind of attires and outfits are ordinary, modern or suitable, all are parts of the human experiences. The edge of this awareness may differ among the people of different social set ups, but whatever trends are in the fashion diffuses in the society sooner or later. Clothes become the identity of ...
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