Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

It was the summer vacations last year and I and my close friends decided to go on mountain tracking. It took us a week to take permission from our guardians and ensuring that we are all prepared and that all expenses were taken care off. We are four friends in total and we have been together since high school. Two of my friends were older and were senior to me but considering we had family terms so we were really close. The third one was with me in the same batch in school. According to our plan, it was going to take us two whole days considering the fact that we planned resting during nights.

On the 1st of August we left early morning around 8 am. In order to reach the destination we had to travel non-stop and we could only stop at night when we had to take rest. This was the only way we could make it to the destination in two days of time span and if it takes longer it would cut down on our luxury budget. When we were on our way we decided to take a short cut knowing that it could aid us in cutting down the budget further. There was a route that we discovered which was on the map and tracing the route saved us four whole hours of travelling. I was slightly hesitant of taking this route considering the fact that the longer way was guarded and the level of security was high as compared to the shorter way which was unknown. Despite my hesitance, my friends decided to opt for the shorter way. By the time we opted for it, it was already getting darker and I was even more nervous.

I still remember on our way ...
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