Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay


Human resource management contributes in increasing the effectiveness and productivity of employees in order to attain the goals and objectives of organizations. It can be said that human resource management takes strategic moves for the workforce of the organizations. It is said that employees are the assets for organizations. Organizations are constituted by employees instead of technology and processes. Only committed workforce can achieve the goals and objectives of the organizations. According to Riccuccu (2006), the main functions of human resource management is to do the recruitment and selection of the resources, look after the careers and growth of the employees and increase the efficiency and productivity of the employees give compensation and benefits to the employees and ensure that employees are contributing to achieve goals and objectives of the organization.

Human resource management looks after the productivity of the employees and deals with all the problems which can affect the productivity of the employees. The purpose of this paper is to explore the functions of human resource management and their concerns related to their functions and their efforts towards the goals of the organization. This paper also reflectively focuses on the effects of above-mentioned functions to the career of the employees. To achieve goals and objectives of the organization, human resource management motivates employees of the organization with the help of appropriate communication.

Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection

The whole process of the human resource management is based on the planning. The plan related the performance of the employees with the goals of the organization. The goals of the organization differentiate organization from the other organizations in the market and it also given competitive advantage to the organization. Human resource management plans the future efforts of the organization for enhancing the achievements of organization towards goals. The planning of human resource management includes both he aspects qualitative and quantitative in maintaining or hiring of new employees.

Human resources plan has great implication on the current and future aspects of the employees' career. The quality of human resource means training of the employees to develop certain skills in them and increase their ability to achieve the objectives of the organization. After the planning recruitment process is followed.

In the recruitment and selection process the human resource management goes through a whole process of recruitment. By going through the whole process the management is able to select a candidate according to the requirement of the organization. The candidate must be best fit for the organization and must be able to understand the goals and objectives of the organization. During the recruitment of the candidate's whole profile of the candidates are matched with the specific job position and the abilities and qualification of the candidates. If the profile of the candidates matches with the requirement of the job position then that candidate is hired and inducted in the organization. The candidate may require training during induction and the time period of training depends according to the requirement of the ...
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