Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

In the module “Conceptual frame work of public health interventions or health promotion”, I studied the concept of health intervention or health promotion. Public Health Intervention involves two major actions: control and prevention. Some authors control and prevention are the same, but other than differences. It is true that both terms are closely related, but should differentiate. The control has intended to limit the spread of a health problem, but instead the Prevention seeks to prevent the problem arises. To achieve this, both the control and prevention measures should apply further, which in generally are called operations. Examples of the interventions application of a vaccine to the population, the application of fluoride in water, national control program of tuberculosis or the national vector control. From the moment that the intervention involves the introduction of a hand, we are dealing with an experimental situation where the degree of control will depend on the planning of the intervention. Ideally, all intervention is carefully planned so that it can be evaluated.

To plan an intervention is necessary to have knowledge about the magnitude of the problem, the factors associated with its spread, measures effective and characteristics of the affected population. Interventions are also a result of the implementation of certain models interpretive of origin and health problems. Three large models widely used in planning interventions Epidemiology: natural history, risk factors and determinants of health. In practice, the model can include natural history the other two, placing both factors as determinants in the period. There are other models that can be used in designing interventions, such as the model that will not be the subject of this Lesson (WHO Europe, 2006).

Any intervention seeking to obtain a result that can be immediate or longer period (short or medium term). This result has different names in public health. When the desired outcome is the result of intervention carried out under controlled experimental conditions, the effectiveness called, when this intervention is conducted in conditions real, which involves many variables that the researcher does not control, effectiveness called as these results are combined with the cost is called efficiency, as are the indicators of cost effectiveness, cost effectiveness or cost-benefit, the latter is a more economic.

The health promotion aims to give individuals more control over their own health and more ways to improve it. work in a logic-based health quality of life of patients, beyond the fight against disease, implement education activities for the health of people who attend hospital or live nearby, work in partnership with other health actors to ensure continuity of care, make the hospital a place where living and working have a positive influence on everyone's health, facilitate the effective and practical for patients and staff in decisions that affect their health, participate in improving the health system in general.

The module also discussed about the use of social cognitive theory, the areas which overlap with, some of the most commonly used psychosocial models of health ...
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