Reflection Questions

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Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions

Question no.1

The profession of nursing is distinctive between all the professions which are present n the United States. The profession of nursing consists of numerous pathways of education that can lead to practice and license of the nurse. The students of nursing can track their career pathways into three different directions. The nurses have the opportunity to become a registered nurse or can get a degree of bachelors in nursing science. In addition, an associate's degree can also be obtained in the field of nursing.

The program of BSN nursing has given a wider variety of opportunities in various areas of healthcare like financing of healthcare, health policy, improvement of quality, leadership, health of community and public and systems thinking. The nurses these days have to make care plans, critical decisions for patients and they also have to use the life saving technologies and the information systems to provide quality of care to the patient (IOM, 2010). Increased skills of synthesis and analysis are required to perform all these functions. Moreover, it has also become difficult to provide quality of care outside the hospitals and this responsibility has been given to nurses which includes providing education related to many diseases at the community level and the nurses also help in preventing the further progression of the disease.

All these issues need to have the workforce of nurses that are more reliable and educated because they would be able to handle the situations in a more appropriate way. All these requirements of the group can be overcome by the BSN nursing education program. The BSN nursing program can generate workforce of the nurses with high standard of education and these nurses will be able to perform as a researcher, primary healthcare provider, and they can be hired higher ...
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