Reflection On Where I Live

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Reflection on where I live

Reflection on where I live

Our city is the place where our roots are, which is where our ancestors were born. My roots are in a great city of Onitsha? in Anambra State? Nigeria. Onitsha is what might be called "New York Nigeria." The reason is? it has characteristics similar to New York in terms of employment opportunities. It is a place where a person can improve his or her financial lives. (Diana? 2006)

Onitsha is a city densely populated and better known as the big market? called-the Onitsha main market. This market appears to be the main market in the Western Africa. It is mainly due to the market that the city has some similar characteristics like New York. The market includes those who provide services such as repair of computers? mini-brewery core business? auto mechanics? the production of mini-painting business? and many other small businesses. These companies employ many residents of the city? because the migration of people in this state and convergence around Onitsha. (Diana? 2006) The market is also home to other sales? such as electronics? meat? fish? clothing (both foreign and home-made)? agricultural products? automobiles? books? building facilities? and many other points? and arrived at a very cheap because of the large quantities needed. These products are purchased in Onitsha main market and transferred to other retailers in the vicinity. As each month passes? the market increases its size since many entrepreneurs to join the sale.

My city has one of a major oil producing companies. This local company produces palm oils? which are in demand. The air that produces equipment for businesses in the city is part of the city? the smell of grilled or roasted peanuts palm. (

Due to these industries and employment opportunities, many people come to my town to make ...
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