Reflection On Surveys: Conflict Resolution Styles And Leadership Styles

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Reflection on Surveys: Conflict Resolution Styles and Leadership Styles

Reflection on Surveys: Conflict Resolution Styles and Leadership Styles


This paper is a reflection of my surveys, conducted for the sake of analyzing my conflict resolution styles and for analyzing my leadership styles in conflicted situations. Conflicts are always present in the life of people, which are needed to be managed in a healthy way as these conflicts are mostly unhealthy towards the personal and professional lives of people. Usually, conflicts require the quality of team building in order to ascertain improvement in social relations; otherwise, the negative emotions posed by conflicts create disruptions in the operating capabilities of team. It imposes the approach of collaborative actions in managing the conflicts as collaboration provides the best solution by satisfying both the parties; thus, eliminating the conflicts among them (Levi, 2013).


The surveys conducted are for the purpose of analyzing my styles of conflict resolution and managing the situation as a leader. It is human not to be perfect in everything, but all our acts and operations carry weaknesses as well with the strengths. Therefore, this paper is reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of my styles by analyzing my surveys.

Conflicts are usually resolved with the approach of collaboration, so that the people involved might have an opportunity to pose their questions, share their opinions, by the act of depersonalization. This will assist in minimizing the conflicts among people based on their personal views pertaining to a certain scenario (Mayer, 2010). It encompasses the leadership qualities so that the leader might face such conflicted situations in an appropriate way, yielding progressive impacts on the issues faced by the people or the organization. Based on the preferred leadership style, a person should be able to incorporate his team's presence in the decision making process, so that, everyone is pretty satisfied with his work and the working environment (Kaur, S2013).

Survey of Conflict Resolution Styles

Conducting survey of my conflicts resolution style, I was acting as the committee leader, pertaining to the conflicted situation of a high school, where juvenile crimes and vandalism acts were increasing at a fast pace. This increased crime rate had troubled the management; therefore, the committee was created for developing a solution towards the problem (Levi, 2013).

During the meeting with the school administration, teachers, and parents, where I was acting as a leader, there was a heated debate resulting in conflicted situations because of disagreement among all, and leading the meeting to the personal conflicts among them. Based on my preferred style of collaboration, I managed the conflicted situation by discussing the problem with other people (Levi, 2013).


I did not prefer to just wrap up the meeting by satisfying the desires of all the people involved, rather I remained firm to my position, which was determined to resolve the conflict. At first, I posed my opinion towards the agreement, but with the refusal I tried to get the opinion on the middle course as well. Moreover, I also negotiated with others in an ...