Reflection On Placement

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Reflection on placement

Reflection On Placement


Professional development of nurses requires a mix of skills, attitudes, behaviors and leadership. As much as I would like to take credit for all of the ideas and insights about my personal and professional development, my sense of honesty will not allow it. People with vision and understanding far keener than mine have influenced and inspired most of my ideas about professional development. These extraordinary people constantly elevate my thinking and help me see things in new and different ways.

To the degree that my insights are astute and my vision far, it is because I have been all owed to stand on the shoulders of my friends, colleagues and teachers. I have had great opportunities to overcome my professional challenges in their company and their feedback have always been helping in my performance and learning. Working with others both within the institution and the workplace could be a complicated task and for that matter, one needs to cultivate positive attitudes and habits.

The purpose of this essay is to reflect on a situation I encountered during my first community placement I had the opportunity to develop my communication skills not just theoretically but also practically, facing a real life environment. I utilized my interpersonal skills during the placement. Throughout my nursing career I will be encouraged to develop reflective practice skills and become a reflective practitioner.

Analysis of Learning during My placement

Whilst learning and studying are personal and individual activities, the judgement and approaches taken by other students can be helpful in the learning process. I have learnt how to shape my own expectations of my performance. The ability to be self-critical against a professional standard is the key to success on most courses and in work situations. Other people's expectations and views, together with subsequent feedback from performance, are crucial aids to learning. Whether we like it or not, the world is rapidly advancing into a new era (Cottrell 2003). This time in human history has been called the information revolution. It is a time of expanding population and communication. Information presently doubles within 7 to 10 years; and that time is decreasing.

This information explosion presents new challenges to those responsible for sharing information. To keep up, we must transfer more information to more people in less time and with advances in agricultural science and industry, information has become more technical and complex to be useful in a world community, we must share information with cultures of different languages (Nancy et al 2009). It also helps solve complex problems, and we must find methods to increase communication between people of different disciplines. To prepare people for responsible positions in a technological society, we must transfer complex information to a younger population. At the same time, I believe that older adults must learn the new techniques so that they can keep up with technological developments (Vaughn et al 2009). Contributing in this sense demands showing up for the group meetings, being prepared, and being ...
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