I have been assigned for preparing a reflection report about myself. It has provided me quite an opportunity to shower some light on my personality traits along with my strengths and weaknesses. The essay serves to help me assess a specific Diasporas for analyzing myself in a condition of total failure situation and facing several stages of psychological patterns. Although, I have made use of various educational as well as motivational books to seek myself away from those agonies and pains. By researching on the topic, I have also gained quite an insight about myself and helped me rectify the issues that I have been facing during studies for a very long time.
Basic Terminologies
Success can be defined as a favourable or fruitful outcome gained causing a sensation of pleasure and joy. However, its definition varies quite differently from person to person which can be in the form of money, respect, grades, or any other specific virtues (Connor, 2005, p.7). It can be best defined as Christopher Morley said, “There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.”
Failure is an entire opposite term of success and can be defined as the unfavourable and ineffective outcome which imparts a sense of sadness, as well as agony. Failure becomes the source of frustration and has adverse effects on human life if it is taken either too seriously or too lightly. However, as Truman Capote has said, “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour.”
Aim is nothing but an attempt to attain a certain goal.
Objective is the stated as well as attainable target to achieve individual or collective aims.
Goals are the measurable and observable outcomes or results that are based on one or more objectives which are to be achieved within a limited time span. Goal is an internal source for motivation and enthusiasm. Moreover, it also serves to provide guidance for various actions and is a core source to measure performance of individual (Barton, 2000, p. 276). It can either be strategic (where you want to see yourself in the future?) or it can be tactical (short time span results for achieving a bigger goal).
Strengths are defined as those virtues which are the constructive to the well-being as well as, personal career developments.
Weaknesses are the potential flaws or imperfections within the human beings which are the sometimes cause of agony and can lead to ultimate failure. Weaknesses can be rectified by carefully analyzing and taking steps to overcome the hurdles.
Accomplishments are the personal achieved goals of person which one has achieved after completing it successfully.
Higher Education
Higher education (commonly known as post-secondary, tertiary or third level education) is the specific stage of specific stage of learning carried out in colleges, universities, seminaries as well as institutes of technologies. Basically, it includes three or four levels of education; including, bachelors, masters (postgraduates) and doctorate level ...