Reflection And Reflective Practice

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Reflective Practice

Reflection and Reflective Practice


“Reflection is a significant human activity in which people evoke their experiences, they give them a thought and mull over them in order to evaluate them. This explains that working with experiences is considered important in the process of learning”.

Self-confidence and self-belief is one of the reasons to make the manager reflective in their work processes and framework. The managers reflect their characteristics by their efficiency, thinking, and leadership qualities and by their work experience. The successful managers have dominant personalities they can deal with the organizational challenges and derive the smarter way of solutions of the issues. The analytical and evaluation abilities of the managers through reflective practices, professional managers incorporate the benefits of applying reflective practices. Reflective managers directly control and monitors the management regards to the organizational goals achievement and learn to develop the best working environment of the organization.

The purpose of this study is clarifying the importance of reflection in the management practices. In other terms, it is about how important is for any manager to correct and use the reflection in the management activities. The main objective of this study is informing and making managers understand the importance of reflection in management activities. In addition, to motivate managers in spending more time in critical reflection, this will lead in much better management for the future activities. In the after part of the paper will discuss briefly about the reflective managers characterises and how their unique style develop the leadership broad visionary thinking abilities in managers.


Reflection and its Importance

The importance of the reflection is managers are accountable when the jurisdiction given to the manager to operate and control the management through his style and abilities. There is one of the reasons that why this reflection is important is that because it is a kind of practice which analyses various situations of the professional performance in depth so that they can easily become a potential learning situations and the managers can continue their learning and can develop and grow through practice. From the previous statement I would like to isolate just three words, learn, develop and grow. None of these things can occur without critical reflection.

Reflective Management Practice

Reflective practice is “the ability to deliberate movement in order to participate in a methodology of durable management learning”, which, as per the philosopher of the term, is “one of the determining qualities of expert practice”.

According to the definition, it includes “giving careful consideration to the down to earth qualities and hypotheses which illuminate regular activities, by looking at practice reflectively and reflexively, this expedites developmental understanding” (Zhang, Linderman, & Schroeder, 2012, pp. 12-23).

Reflective practice might be an essential device in practice-based expert taking in settings where people gaining experience from their own particular expert encounters, as opposed to from formal instructing or information exchange, may be the most significant wellspring of individual expert improvement and change. In that capacity, the idea has attained wide consume, especially in expert advancement ...
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