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All national child support and international regulations identify that it is an obligation for every parent to support her or his own child. Therefore, the parents are obliged to contribute to the responsibility for the expenses of their child. The main support should be of the custodian parents and most usual cases that the custodian parents have to take care of the child is mainly because of the divorce between the parents of the child. Non custodian parents are usually committed to raise the children with strong laws that restrict them to follow the laws so as to make the child's good nurturing.

Child support is basically obligatory for the non custodian parents to fulfill. It depends on the custodian parents. This support mainly is obligatory on the parents that they should fulfill the need of their children in terms of financial aspect. While looking at the children support the court strongly focus on custodian parents to pay the money that is obligatory on them for the needs of their children that does not include the physical care or spiritual needs. . A noncustodial parent may find difficulty in getting the educational status, medical records and other child information.

The child support obligations are likely to end when the age of the child reaches 18. It also ends when he or she graduates from the high school or the marriage takes place. . Much of the jurisdictions consider numerous source of information when describing the support in which they take in account the, ages and number of children living in the house, income of parents, living expenses that are basic and the school fees. It also considers the cost of the special needs such as the child's treatment for a disability or serious illness.


In summarizing the points the non custodian parents should ...
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