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Reflection is an important concept especially in case of students and education as it requires the student or any other professional to apply his experiences and practical knowledge of work in his profession. It encourage continuous learning process of student with the help of application of the lessons that he has learned from the practical application of processes and then reapplying them in his work routine. this report aims to explain the concept of reflection or reflective thinking in detail. Reflective thinking plays an important role in promoting other related concepts of critical thinking, self regulation, knowledge and truth. The process, structure, benefits and challenges of reflection will also be discussed in detail to present with a better understanding of the phenomenon and it importance in the big picture.



Reflection or reflective thinking plays an important role in the field of education and learning. Dewey has emphasized upon the significance of reflection in the learning process of student during the educational period and has provided foundation and basis for research on the topic (Rodger, 2002, pp. 842). Moon on the other hands has defined reflection as an “active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends” (Moon, 1999, pp. 12) This means that reflection is a process that involves reasoning in the light and facts and data available. Daudelin and Kolb on the other emphasized on an important aspect and basic ideology which forms the very basis of reflection that it is extremely important to analyze and relate the experiences that have occurred in the past and present to the current situation faced by the professional or student to function in a effective manner in the coming future (Daudelin, 1996, pp. 36 ; Kolbe, 1984). Many authors have marked distinction between the normal thought processes and reflection by pointing out that in normal thought process or rumination the experience are analyzed and examined repetitively but there is not action while in case of reflection adaptive action is necessary(Papadakis, 2006, pp. 815)


Reflection is an important element of the learning process. The process of learning involves reflection as a part of learning process without which students cannot learn or develop understanding of their education. Basically learning is a process where students try to figure out what has happened through constructive thought processes and getting engaged in them. During professional development or while working it is extremely important to take account of one's experience in order to re evaluate the situation at hand is an important part of continuous learning and development. Therefore, involving reflecting thinking in the process of learning is related to reconstruction of experience and determining possible course of action with regards to the professional practice or development. Schon has defined reflection as a process of dialogue of thought processes and actions through which the person becomes more expert and skilled (Schon, 1987, ...
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